
The Henthusiast Haven Guild Whitepaper (Whitepaper) is meant to provide the reader with information regarding how the Henthusiast Haven Guild operates. It is meant to inform the public on the current and planned design of the Guild's Operations and Tokenomics. The whitepaper is not intended as representation of commitment to you, of any of the current and future designs and functionalities of the HH Guild's operations and tokenomics.

In addition, this whitepaper is not a solicitation in any forms or sorts to purchase any assets the guild is selling. Purchasing any assets released by HH Guild involves risks, in fact, all investments incur risks. Cryptocurrency markets are particularly volatile and prone to crashes at a far higher rate than traditional stock markets. It may take many years for global financial markets to accept crypto as a legitimate currency. Harsh regulations may unexpectedly surface, hence, we are encouraging you to not purchase HH Guild's tokens and products with money you can't afford to lose. There is no guarantee that the utilities that the HH Guild has will meet your needs and expectations.

Purchasing any HH Guild's assets means that you are inherently assuming the risk of its loss of value from the time of purchase. You also agree that you have no recourse and will not assert any claim, action or judgment against HH Guild, once the Guild's value loses or ceases to function or if the guild does not meet your expectation.

Last updated