Ronin Blockchain

Extract is from Axie Infinity Medium Article.

From the early days of Axie Infinity, weโ€™ve been obsessed with bringing fun gameplay and sound economic design to the world of blockchain gaming. Our community has grown tremendously and weโ€™ve embarked on some truly novel experiments around ideas of true ownership and play to earn gaming. Along with this growth has come the ability to observe the major pain points in our communityโ€™s experience playing Axie.

One issue that has been a perpetual thorn in our side is Ethereum network congestion. Network congestion is a tricky beast โ€” with gas remaining low for months at a time only to resurface and slow our economy to a standstill.

Ronin will allow us to take the usability of Axie to the next level, setting us up to welcome the next generation of trainers, thinkers, and explorers to Lunacia.

Ronin will come with:

  • Fast & seamless transactions with almost instant confirmation.

  • Drastically reduced gas fees. In addition, rather than paying Ethereum miners โ€” the gas fees could be retained by the community and used for things like tournaments & bounties.

  • The ability to withdraw Axie assets back to Ethereum Mainnet (eventually).

  • Simplified on-boarding for new users, through a customized wallet solution.

  • A block explorer for transparency and data accessibility.

Last updated